We have lots of changes coming up, and I should be worried, but I'm not. -I've resigned from my teaching position effective the end of the school year, and I have no clue what I'm doing after that. Not teaching means I have to clean out my classroom and get a new job. I should be worried, but I'm not. -We are moving out of our house and into our best friend's house when they move to Italy in June. They will be gone for 2 years, so we are going to move into their house and selling our condo. I should be packing, tossing our junk, and worrying about selling this place, but I'm not. -I'm doing a 5K on May 22nd, and there is no way I could do a 5K today, so I should be worried, but I'm not. -My migraine treatment (the one I did in the hospital and now do at home) has become ineffective. It's just not working like it did at first. Also, my blood work isn't where it should be. I should be worried, but I'm not. I have no idea when I stopped worrying about things, but I have. God has completely taken my worries away, and it's a great feeling. I know that not teaching next year is the right decision, and that is affirmed in my heart each and every day. However, I do hope to volunteer at the school with Irving Bible Church, so I'm not leaving completely. Not having a job isn't worrying me, because I know God will provide something I am able to do, and that makes me happy. Luckily, I'll be paid through August, so that gives me some time to find something. With selling our condo, I feel bad that I'm not worried, like something is wrong with me. Maybe when we are in the middle of the process I'll feel different. Knowing we have a place to live during this time makes it easier. Today, I went to walk the track for my 5K training. I planned to walk 1/2 a mile (2 times around). After the second lap, my back was in intense pain, but I felt like I had plenty of energy to go a third lap, so we did. After the third, I really wanted to do a fourth, but my back just wouldn't let me. We plan to go each weekend to increase my distance between now and the 5K at the end of May. We may even go back tomorrow to do 4 laps. :) I felt great (mentally and emotionally) when I was done. As far as the migraines and blood work, I know the migraines will decrease after the school year. That may sound terrible, but it's just the truth. Unfortunatley, the migraines were pretty bad this week, the medicine wasn't working, so I was out Monday and Tuesday. I'm so thankful my sub is still there everyday. Once the year is over, I look forward to seeing how the migraines change. I'll end with this, a picture of Kennie and Sarah after their city championship games. Both of their teams won (Kennie's game was a blowout, Sarah won by 1 point!), and they were both MVP's of their game. We couldn't be prouder of these two. Little kids went up to both of them after their games wanting their autographs. : ) And the best part, they are just as good students are they are athletes.
hm...there really are paragraphs in that post, no idea why it's not working. :(
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