Wednesday was my birthday, I turned 28. I celebrated by have a spinal tap on Tuesday, laying on the couch all day Wednesday (you have to lay for 24-48 hours after a spinal tap), going back to the ER on Thursday and ended up having to have a blood patch. That's where they go back into your spinal column and put blood to stop the leak of spinal fluid because it causes a terrible headache, like horrible, blinding headache. I felt better for a little while, went home, and decided on Friday night I wanted to actually CELEBRATE my birthday. So, we planned to go to the horse races with my parents, BFF Kasey, her husband, and her sister. I bought the tickets online, and was super excited to do something fun. I woke up Friday feeling terrible. Worse than I did BEFORE the blood patch. I was sick to my stomach, couldn't keep food down, and the headache was back, but even more intense. I was determined to go to the horse races though, so we did. We got there, and I got a diet coke, which I couldn't keep down. Russell and I both won money on the first race, I got sick, we won money on the second race, I got sick, and then we left my party and headed back to the ER. Count that, the hospital THREE times on the week of my birthday. What a way to celebrate. This time we walk into the ER and I black out at the front door. As I come to, I'm surrounded by no less than a dozen doctors and nurses putting me on a backboard and placing a neck brace on my neck. Talk about panic, I had no clue what was going on. I was rushed into a room, vitals taken, and I had a nurse on each side trying to find a vein, they both failed. I'm a hard stick. Like crazy hard. They decided to call for a picc line, but were successful before the picc line people showed up, thankfully. They did some blood work, a chest X-RAY, and CT scan. They hooked me up to a caffeine drip and gave me some pain medicine. Next thing I know, I'm being told I'm being admitted. :( Sad days.
So, here I am. I didn't sleep a wink last night because people on this floor like to yell out in pain. It makes me sad for them, but I'd really like to sleep. They also think I have a blood clot in my lung, that's lovely. I guess we will investigate that more today, along with some other test. I'm honestly not sure what other test they could do that I haven't already had. Rumor has it I'm having another blood patch done. That sucker HURTS. It felt like that doctor was using his huge needle to sew buttons down my back. I thought for sure I'd have a ton of stitches, just judging by the pain, but nope, just several very bloody bandages that bled for an entire day. So, I'm interested to see what the day holds. I have the same doctor I had last time that did NOTHING for me, so it should be fun.
This incredibly sweet nurse just came in to take an itty bitty tube of blood, it took four sticks to get it. That makes about 18 this trip. Ouch. I need better veins if the hospital is going to be my second home.
Not going to spell check, it seems to mess up my cute signature when I do.
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