Saturday, March 21, 2009


1. I played a "charity poker" event last night. My BFF's husband emailed me some link about how this might not be legal; I think that's what it said at least. I came fourth in the tournament, Kasey came in third, and Russell came in sixth. Lee didn't play. It was fun, but Kasey should have won some was I shouldn't call it a charity poker event. :) We did donate some money to charity prior to playing, maybe that's what I meant to say!

2. Spring break is almost over...BOO!!! I am not looking forward to going back to school, but I'm sure it will be fine once I'm back. The sooner we get back, the sooner summer will be here!!!!

3. I went to the ER this morning for some really bad stomach pain. I woke up with the pain, and it would not go away. Eventually, when I could barely walk, Russell and I decided it was time to go to the ER. The good news was the nurse got my IV started in the first stick!! This NEVER happens!! I got blood work done, some pain meds, anti-nausea meds, anti-spasm meds, and a sonogram done .The doctor is adamant that it's my gallbladder, but the sono didn't show gallstones. He thinks the gallbladder isn't functioning correctly, because of some details I told him. So...he gave me the name of a doctor to go see early next week. Yeah right, doc!! Just add that to the cardiologist I need to see, neurologist follow up, "female doctor", eye doctor follow up, need to check my blood sugar levels at my general doctor, and my mother in law thinks I need to see an internists. HAHA!! YEAH RIGHT!! I told Russell I should be a stay at home wife, and patient. Luckily the pain has been a little better thanks to the medicine concoction.

4. I've been conflicted about my boys lately. I feel called to help them, but their actions are pushing us away. It is very discouraging and makes me sad. :(

5. March madness is NOT going very well for me...just call me a loser!!


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