Saturday, February 7, 2009

Some good....some not so good...

I have the flu, it's not so good. Yesterday when Russell got home from work he checked my temperature, it was 102!! I really don't like feeling this way, but I think I'm getting better. I'm glad it happened at the end of the week, so I have the weekend to recover. I was out of work yesterday and today, NOT a good thing this close to TAKS, but I didn't have a choice.

Now on to the good news, a "perfect match" has been found for a bone marrow transplant for my mother-in-law, Penny!!! All we know about the match is that she is in her early twenties. She will be going through some physical tests over the next few weeks to make sure she is capable of going through the transplant. Hopefully by March we can start with the process. Having a match this soon is a huge blessing!! They are going to test one more person that is a possible match to have a backup just in case that is needed. We are incredibly thankful for this news.

Russell spoke with the nurse about my MRI this week. Apparently going to see the DR about what he saw on the test can wait, which is good news. I won't be taking off yet another day to go see a doctor. He did see something on the MRI, which does concern me, but it's not life threatening, so that gives me peace. When I went to see my regular doctor this week about the flu, I asked him about it, asked what the MRI could show that wouldn't be a big deal, but could cause seizures. He said his best guess would be a cyst. We will see if he's right or not.


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