I can't believe we are halfway through February and I haven't updated because so much has happened this year. I was scheduled to return to work on January 3rd, but I ended up being admitted to the hospital that day instead. After spending three days in the hospital, and being home until that Friday, I tried to go back on the 10th. I ended up at the doctor that afternoon, and being put back on disability that day. I was referred to two headache specialist that day, but it was February until I could see them.
In the meantime, I had blood work done at my primary doctor, just to see how everything was looking. That blood work came back, and showed I needed I was very anemic, and needed blood infusions. I was given a phone number, and so I called that number, and they answered as an oncologist office. I just about freaked out. When I went in to see the oncologist office the first time, they did more blood work, and when I went in today, the blood work looked worse than it did originally. A few other levels looked bad, so those will need to be watched. Apparently I'll be having blood work weekly, and I'll see the doctor weekly as well. I'll have blood infusions twice a week, and they are doubled up. I should have 12 infusions, instead of 24 since they are doubled. Today should have been the first infusion, but they couldn't find a vein. Originally they were going to do a picc line, but that would have to stay in my arm for about 6-8 weeks, and would be most likely get infected. So, instead, I'll be getting a port put in my chest like people do when they have chemo, so they will always have access to a vein.
Now, on to the headache updates. I have two new doctors looking at my migraines. One is working on the cause of the migraines, and the other is treating the pain mostly. They are both very optimistic, which is great. However, the number of tests, treatments, and doctor appointments I have coming up is astounding. I should be returning to work the first week of March, but my doctors and Russell aren't sure they want that just yet. At this point, nothing has changed. We are getting the ball rolling, but I'm still having migraines almost daily, I'm still very weak and passing out, and overall having trouble daily. So, I'm not sure what will happen with work.
I resigned, effective the end of the year, back in January. I know that me being out is not best for my kids, the district, or myself. This was before I knew about the budget cuts and IISD trying to get rid of teachers. However, knowing all of that, I'm so thankful I made that decision. I've been told if I don't come back by a certain date they will terminate my contract, but then I was told they wouldn't since I resinged and it's the end of the year. Basically, I don't have FMLA, because I was so sick last year as well and didn't work enough to be covered by that. It's stressful. However, we are trusting in God, and he hasn't failed us yet. I know I'll feel better after the blood infusions. I know my new headache doctors will find something that works. I know I'll find a new job that I love as much as teaching. I know we will be ok.