Sunday, March 30, 2008

little scares need big prayers

I've had this spot on my stomach for about six weeks. It's about dime or nickel size. It's red and swollen and hurts really bad. My stomach hurts from it; not like a stomachache, but like pain. In the last week it started getting a little rash around it, so I decided I should see someone about it. Actually, my best friend Kasey saw it and strongly encouraged me to see someone. So, I did. We went in thinking it was a staph infection, not good, but workable. I have another little spot similar popping up, so we figured it was spreading. The doctor looked at it and said it wasn't staph, we were so relieved. Then he said it was possible just a regular infection that got out of hand, or it was a type of skin cancer. Not your typical skin cancer, something less severe, but it's treated the same. When he looked at the second spot he was fairly convinced that they were both infections, but still unsure. He explained that he would give me some strong antibiotics to take for the week. If those don't work by Thursday we go back to have a biopsy done on the major spot. At the age of 25 (or any age of course) I never wanted to hear the words biopsy or cancer.
We are hoping the meds will work, but they haven't yet. The rash is bigger and the spot is the same. Here are my two major concerns: 1. I've been on antibiotics almost constantly for the last 4 weeks for what we thought was a cold and pneumonia. Those antibiotics didn't help this spot. 2. This spot showed up in the same exact place I had severe stomach pain last summer and was told I had an infection in the lining of my stomach.

So, that's where we are. We are just hoping we see some improvement by Thursday and we can move on.

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