Wednesday, January 23, 2008


So, it appears my new medicine doesn't work. If it does work, it hasn't yet. Last night I went to the restroom to blow my nose. The next thing I know I'm waking up in the bathtub, shower curtain and rod on top of me, my head is POUNDING, and Russell is beating on the door frantic. Apparently I locked the door and then had a seizure and fell into the tub. He couldn't get into me but I was out of it and couldn't get to the door. He got in using a wire hanger. So, apparently using new medicine WITH the old medicine isn't working, or it is S-L-O-W-L-Y working. I'm hoping it will start working soon. Having seizures really stinks. It makes me reconsider my entire future. I do have to wait 6 months after I'm "seizure free" to drive, but what happens after that?? I don't know if I'll ever feel comfortable getting another car of my own because I will always wonder what will happen when the seizures start again. Will I ever feel safe driving my nephews around again? What about my own kids? It's just scary. We have been very blessed that the worst thing that has happened (so far) was I fell off of a horse. Apparently I've been having these seizures my entire life, think of all the wreck potential there!!! To top it all off, my seizures are made worse with stress. Unfortunately, life is always stressful, but everyone has a stressful life. I'm just praying summer gets here fast. I'm also hoping Russell gets a big enough raise I can just be a stay at home wife!! I'm thinking that won't happen...haha...I'm knowing that won't happen!!! I can wish, right???


Anonymous said...

Blaire- I will be praying for you and these seizures. I hope everything works out.

Lee, Kasey, and Jameson said...

I wish I was there to be more helpful. Your life is more stressful right now because of me! I hate that! :( I love you very much, and I'm praying that the medicine will kick in and help you.